Hey! My name is Kayla Earnhardt, I’m 13 years old and the youngest of the bunch!
I guess you could say Barn Life exists because of me. I have a major love for animals and have been riding horses since I was 4 years old.

I love to compete in barrel racing, pole bending, goat tying and breakaway roping on the rodeo circuit. I’m considered an All-Around competitor and I even just won my first championship this year. You get a saddle and lots of buckles, it’s pretty cool!
The sport of rodeoing comes from the “ranch lifestyle” and my goal is to one day have a big ole ranch with lots of animals. I want to work in the large animal care industry, just not going to say how or what, you know my parents will carve that in stone!
For now, I’m excited to start sharing my adventures with you and hope you find them just as exciting.